"The tech dude, electrical engineer Yaron Oren-Pines..." Will Jonah Hill play him in the movie?

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So that's where it goes!

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I am shocked. The griftiest president in history has inspired the griftiest people in the world to reach for the stars. He TWEETED that the Gov should call him urgent-like and they did.

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Isn’t Oren-Pines a new atmospheric, original mystery series on Netflix directed by David Lynch? There are no crickets in Oren-Pines.

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How about an island, barely above sea level? One lonely coconut tree, the only food source on the island. And crabs. Tiny little crabs. Everywhere. No matches. No shelter. Nothing to read. Nothing to do. Except watch the crabs wait for him to die so they can eat him.

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If you sent a negative donation, say a bill for $5000, does that mean that $25K would be deducted from the campaign? Just wondering how that might work. I mean, grifters gotta grift. They might not be able to resist the opportunity. Last chance? Guffawing here . . .

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I thought the work "kit" in testing kit meant that the shit you needed to do the test was in the kit

That's one of the reasons full tests are so hard to come by, they are multi-step processes.First someone needs the proper material to collect the biological samples.Then a second someone needs the proper material to extract the virus from the sample.And then that second someone, or maybe a third someone needs the proper material to detect and quantify the virus load.

Multiple actors and multiple steps. So many more chances for something to go awry. And you also need the human resources to run all of these.

Heck, in my French country, I just learned the hospital labs have been playing turf war with the university labs who volunteered to run the tests (i.e. steps 2 and 3 above). On the ground that the university labs were not certified to run these tests, and in fairness they should abide by some standards of good practice It's a bit useless to have a third party run the tests if they forget to put in place sample tracking or stuff like that, so demonstrating some competence beforehand seems justifiable.But I suspect there was a good dose of badly-timed territorial instinct kicking in. Plus, a lot of cover-you-ass on the government side. They just recognized Covid19 as a professional risk for nurses and medical staff, but not for anyone else exposed to it during their job. As cops, firefighters and shop clerks are already clamoring for the same recognition, if academics were to join the ranks...

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That's assuming the guy had a real, legitimate business to begin with. And that the name he gave was his real name.At that point, I would start considering the possibilities of identity theft. Or assumed and quickly-swapped names.

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This whole fuckup needs to be given a ton of publicity: The Dumbfuck's "Task Force" "recommended" a vendor based on some rando's Tweet in his twatterfeed? Seriously????? This had to be Jared's doing, although they'll cover his ass with ten tons of manure if anybody asks questions.

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Need a consultant? For you, only $1200/hr.

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Mandatory. It ain't rock without a B3.

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Why the fuck are they forcing states to go bargain hunting for this shit in the first place? Trump said there were plenty! He lie about that also?

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I'd never buy anything from somebody with a name like that. Just sayin............

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If you need an attorney, I'm available. I am not a lawyer but I could play one on TV, so I qualify. Besides, I do know some Latin.

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As a fellow Marylander I second your anger and hatred. Hogan, while not "perfect," is evidence that a sensible Republican politician is a possibility.

(I also hate the word "perfect" since the Orange Shitgibbon seems to think it applies to all he is and does.)

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Good idea. I was thinking also about Guantanamo. Put them all in the nice facilities that we built, then turn the facilities back over to the Cuban government.

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