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I chimed in, also too. He really is an idiot and will likely have to scrub the whole post now that it overwhelmingly tells him to STFU and leave the ACA alone

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Welcome back!

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Our small company, from the owner on down, dropped our group coverage and went on the exchange. It started last fall when we were having our annual "how is the insurance company gonna fuck us next year?" conversation, as every year we faced higher premiums, higher co-pays, higher deductibles and frequently had to change insurers, trying to chase an affordable policy for everyone (we're so small that we have no leverage). I jokingly suggested to the wife of the boss that we all just get Obamacare next year instead. Turns out we all saved a ton- I now have a better policy with zero deductible and I'm saving nearly $2500 a year over what I paid in 2013. I get no subsidies since I make too much to qualify- so fuck all those whiners who accuse me of being a moocher (considering what I actually pay in taxes, most of them are probably guilty of mooching off of me). The boss still pays half my monthly just like before so he's saving as much as I am. In fact every single person at work is ecstatic at the windfall. Teddy boy can go fuck himself with a rusty chainsaw as far as I'm concerned...

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Perhaps he will start writing more insightful oratories during his baths.

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Perhaps he'll try to claim the ACA was his idea all along. He's from Canada, you know.

Kinda like Gore and the internets, but different.

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Cruz to unfriend America. Story at 11.

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Ted Cruz became a national impediment 452 days ago. Are we worse off or <i>much</i> worse off since then?

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Everyone hates every toxic word and feature - it's only pragmatic to axe it and go back to pre-Facebook days / let the omnipotent market decide.

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Over 53,000 Facebook comments and it looks like they're overwhelmingly positive for the ACA. Whoever came up with the Obamacare label is one sorry asshole.

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<i>"...replies from Ted Cruz fans calling them socialists and the problem with America."</i> <blockquote>How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can't stand Americans?</blockquote> The American President, 1995

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More clever distractions from Bengahzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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