Yes. Why haven't the Dems demanded recounts in those states. Seems to me that's fair.

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I kind of look at it that Cruz is such a creepy weirdo that people actually embraced Fat Donnie Microfingers

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"Relax," said the Madman."We are programmed to deceive..."

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Is a "kakisto" a practitioner of "kakiocracy?" (government by the worst) One of my favorite words. Teach it to your children.

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You spent the decades since Reagan impugning the patriotism of Democrats and demonizing people of color. You now are in thrall of a leader that leads chants of "Lock 'em up!" at his rallies and routinely threatens violence and other forms of revenge.

Like that was not enough, you now have folks in your party calling for a coup to install Fearless Leader.

And here you are, affecting to fail to understand all the fuss about your bulls**t lawsuits with the 100% failure rate and urging folks to "tone down the rhetoric" as you do your job and try to follow the law.

Hey, would that be like you followed it when you failed to impeach the Donald?

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Petty bourgeois anarchism is not conducive to party discipline, comrade.

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Freshman Senator 15.

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They're both deplorable. We could have had a competent, intelligent, woman...but NO, the country decided to see just how fun it would be to hire a "businessman." You think we could have at least elected Jeff Bezos, someone who actually knows how to make money.

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Yeah, when your Princeton classmates think that you're an arrogant jerk, you might have an ego problem.

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"Rainbow Cultural Garden"? That raises red flags all over the place. I'm always amazed people fall for such hokum.

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Rafael Cruz? GFY with rusty, pointy, barbed votes.

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"Smug, condescending douchebag Cruz, to complete the description, of his middle name.Said in Monty Python-esque way.

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"Well, he wouldn't say it if it weren't true."The number of people who declare that in a lot of contexts with straight honest faces is just heartbreaking.I've never been able to forget a party conversation I had with someone in the 1960s, when von Daniken's CHARIOTS OF THE GODS had just appeared in English translation. Being kind of a nut on ancient Egypt, I went off a little on his obvious total ignorance of ancient Egypt's culture and history, not just his ideas on how the pyramids were built, or rather not built, but also his denial that there was any such thing as a cult of beetles in Egypt, he apparently never having heard of scarabs, which were kind of a big thing and a symbol of renewal and rebirth. The response I got was, "Well, they wouldn't let him publish this stuff if it wasn't true."

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Cruz always looks constipated and the beard makes his face look like its doing Downward Dog. The hatred I have left over from Nunes, Meadows, McConnell. and Johnson I reserve for Teddy Boy.

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What is this judgement of which you speak? WHAR Judgement?

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From them?At around the time of the Greek kalends.

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