Well somethin's in there, makin' it move 'n stuff.

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I don't think Cruz would ever get it. He'd just get mad at that episode where Steven crossdresses for the stage act, and furious at the one in which Stevonnie shaves (because she was his waifu.)

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I haven't watched the Simpsons since the two part episode where it revealed Maggie shot Mr. Burns and he didn't even die (I actually thought at the time his character was being killed off for good and was very disappointed. I was very naive back then).

And even I know that Lisa was the conscience of the family.

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When Bigwig gave the King Lear reference in Watership Down, i lost my mind.

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(glances over article; facehoofs) I was afraid of something like this. Okay, here's the episodes' synopsis.

"The Cutie Map" (pts 1 and 2): The titular magical widget indicates to the "mane" characters that a crisis in a distant village requires their help, but when they arrive they find a happy (if creepy) community of ponies that have given up their cutie marks (the butt tats that represent each pony's unique talent or personality). The marks have been magically removed and replaced with an "equal" sign, and all talents and personalities have likewise been eliminated or suppressed. Our heroes soon discover that the town mayor maintains this conformity through brainwashing, intimidation and extortion ...YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS!

So yeah, it's Orwell, but more 1984 than Animal Farm, and about conformity, not sexuality. I'm not trying to recruit, but for lulz you can watch a variety of hilarious MLP fans (and a special guest star) react to the episodes in question here: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Sooo, Ted Cruz says,

I think the Democrats are the party of Lisa Simpson, and the Republicans are, happily, the party of Homer and Bart and Maggie and Marge.

I rate that as a major


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and today's winner of the internet is, "Stephen Miller is basically Ted Cruz with brain damage"

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True, and actually voiced by a real life nutjob Republican...

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And all those songs Republicans use for their rallies-- but they're so disrespectful of rock and roll people they don't even think to get permission. Then they're told to stop or be sued because the owners of the songs can't stand them. You'd think they'd just be happy with their barbershop quartets, John Philip Sousa music, and polkas. Those are the songs that embody their 'traditional values' and they should be required to stick to them.

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Possible. He'd think that's a Libertarian Fantasyland.

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I meant that's not Ted Cruz's skin, except that "Ted Cruz" currently occupies whoever's it really is.

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Wasn't he at the Republican cabal meeting at Burns's place?

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Yeah, he was a stonecutter, too.

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Unless maybe Ted Nugent and Mike Huckabee.

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"She might register Republican to get along with the church ladies, but then she’d vote for Hillary Clinton (and feel vaguely naughty for getting away with it)."

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