Totally plausible.

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It's a money grab, pure and simple, taught to him by his Paw. And the fact that this POS graduated from Harvard and got all kind of nice things said about his time there makes me wonder just WTF Harvard?

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Mike Pence is to tolerance.

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Read my quips.

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... if a dumpy vampire is cute.

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Actually, if you get it off his head and get a couple of drinks into it, the stories are EPIC.

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"...there’s an almost inverse relationship between being liked and appreciated in Washington DC and reviled back home, and being reviled in Washington and appreciated back home."

Then there is being universally reviled.

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Either Ted Cruz never insulted anyone personally, or Cruz is correct when he says (I got sick of even tracking his insanity, so these are just from before 2015):

legislators who legislate in lame duck sessions or confirm appointees are abusing their power

Obama is a lawless, unconstitutional, imperialistic enemy of free speech, who wants to repeal the first amendment, uses the machinery of government to crush principled opposition, and holds border security hostage to sell amnesty to help Democrats cheat to win.

SecDef Chuck Hagel proved his hostility to Israel by responding to Al Jazeera reporters, and may have taken bribes from extreme radical groups in Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

It was okay for the FEC to drop the investigation of Crossroads GPS violating campaign finance law for Karl Rove, but Eric Holder impeachable for defying Congress and not prosecuting the IRS for abuse of power.

President Obama stoops to playing politics and wars on women to force limitless, taxpayer funded, abortions upon them.

Dole, McCain, and Romney presidential campaign were losers for not standing enough on prinicple.

While Elizabeth Warren said record GOP filibusters were attempts to nullify a presidential election, Cruz blames instead Democrats' abuse of power for poisoning the atmosphere of the Senate.

Anyone who doesn't agree stand your ground laws help blacks as much as or even more than whites is a gun grabber using race as a cudgel (Cruz said this directly to Trayvon Martin's mother).

Real Americans don't want Obamacare for the internet (net neutrality), Obamacare for energy (carbon pollution regulation), Obamacare for banks (Dodd-Frank), or Obamacare for education (common core).

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Republicans don't like Rafael Edward Cruz?

But I thought Republicans love insane clowns?


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George Zimmerman, dateability

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But, as you yourself have pointed out, you are a blobfish.

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Any one of the Bee Gees?

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Maybe if he were less of a lying, arrogant, shallow, self-absorbed hypocrite...

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That bitch, Eva Braun.

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