You know who else got ignored and bullied by everyone in power (and then came back to be a homicidal nightmare for the entire World)? Yep, that's right....

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Those two issues, and gun control, seem to attract the largest number of single-issue (AKA ill-informed, willfully-ignorant, mouth-breathing) idiots to vote for the GOP. If that's all they look into in order to choose who to vote for, and ignore all the other things that might be red flags (the lying, the corruption, the lack of leadership skills, etc., etc., ad nauseum), it makes very good sense for GOP politicians to flog these issues to death.

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Or Bitcoin?

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Gotta keep people voting against their economic best interests, somehow.

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I see what you did there.

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You are a good parent. A delicious parent, even. Do you ever threaten to call whine-one-one? To get a waaaaah-mbulance? I used to whip that one out on my derplings. Everyone knows sarcasm and derision are highly effective parenting tools!

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"McConnell vaguely recalls how the 2013 government shutdown was bad news for Republicans"

Exactly HOW was it bad news for Republicans? They took the Senate in 2014 in spite of that ultimate dick move. Please explain what consequences they suffered and what is to prevent them from repeating an identical dick move in future. I'll wait:)

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People were pissed, but taking the Senate was the result of gerrymandering, playing on people's fears of ebola and an extremely lazy Democratic electorate that decided to stay home on an off election. For the months leading to the election, all we heard was EBOLAGHAZI!!!!11!. You don't think it was a coincidence that we stopped hearing about it the Wednesday after the election do you?

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This is how I view all of them these days.

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Well, sure. The Pope wears a dress and is head of the Whore of Rome (or is it Babylon - I can never keep my whores straight) , and I'll bet every person on that board is a god-fearing, "pro-life" Southern Baptist. The lady was toast no matter who pleaded for mercy,

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Ifin ,in 150 years they ain't learnt nothing, why would they be startin now?

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Poutine? Is that what he slicks his hair with?

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Unless it is a pop-up, they aren't getting it.

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He's way ahead of them on the "fail campaign" of his.

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Was there a round of applause when he stepped down?

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You know, I wrote the man twice to point out that he was the worse Speaker I had seen in my 70 years, and offered advice on how to fix the problem. He failed to heed my advice, and now he is toast. So now, I guess I will have to write to the Turtle and give him some help. .

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