Funny...I could have sworn the said 'lesser races'. My bad.

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I think I'm Cruzed-out for <strike>today... </strike> ever.

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great. another fucking entitled asshole masquerading as a man of the people.

he is repellent to me on every level.

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it becomes wearisome to add 'thanks again texas and don't let the door hit you in the ass" to every generalization. Henceforth it may be assumed.*

* with apologies to AJP Taylor.

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It's not just that. Ted's demeanor perfectly fits his policy positions, which are also thoroughly assholish.

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"Your father is who, now? Oh and your grandfather is...?"

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I am a lesser graduate of that lesser Ivy, myself. And I knew that, too.

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That's great. In my day, the tee-shirts were mostly the visual pun (or Stroop color-naming allusion), a bright purple (or other color) shirt labeled just "BROWN."

My proudest moment at Camp Bruno was the one football game I attended, against Harvard. The Harvard band took to the field in crisp woolen uniforms, strutting in traditional band style and displaying their enormous ten-foot bass drum. The Brown band took their turn, dressed in sweaters and sweatshirts and jeans and sneakers, imitating the pomp of the Harvard folks like circus clowns. They got to midfield and started reversing direction, as if to do a precision drill, but instead bumbling into each other and forming a shapeless blob. It was freaking performance art.

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lolz we all now yale is the lesser of the three...princeton is an academic powerhouse that commands immense respect aqnd harvard is the most prestigious university in the world...yale is just a pretender...

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A good education doesn't prevent anyone from being a loathsome bigot and low grade idiot. Why some many of these poor excuses for social and political life gravitate to the GOP (Grim Oligarchy Predators) is traced all the way back to B. Goldwater's shellacking at the hands of a war criminal president, aided and hugely abetted by the Great Communicator, Ronald, "I wasn't always there" Regan, down through the racist and fascists who own and operate the party for the Oligarchs today.

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Lets not insult poor Nixon like that. He was probably one of the last good presidents we had

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Yeah, it doesn't take an <a href="http:\/\/www.princeton.edu\/~oktour\/virtualtour\/english\/Hist01-Einstein.htm" target="_blank">Einstein</a> to realize how awful Princeton is.

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And not the wussy kind who gives his sensei that "WTF" look when instructed to sweep the leg, either.

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Just a regular true-blue American born in Canada of Cuban parents and bubble-wrapped in privilege.

BTW, is this a tacit admission that Cruz couldn't think for himself and needed the highest caliber minds to do his work for him?

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Believe it or not, I didn't have any debt coming out, mostly thanks to North Carolina's serious subsidy of higher education and the fact that education was hella cheaper even in 1992, when I graduated. It makes me a little sick to think of all students graduating with 50K debt.

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