Ah, yes. Cancun Cruz. Unless I've been misinformed (a rarity), isn't he the most hated person in the Senate? And he has some fearsome competition. IIRC, Al Franken said something like, 'I like Ted Cruz more than most of other my colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.'

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I'm pretty sure I've gotten pro-Colin Allred emails from both Booker and Gillibrand, so it doesn't look like they took Teddles' bipartisanship too seriously.

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Isn't Cruz the one who left his dog home alone while jetting off to a vacation in some lovely place?

He is lower than pond scum for that alone.

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It's much easier to do “human empathy" if you're at least mostly human.

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Ted Cruz will beat Colin Allred. Idk how he does it, since he’s the most despised man in Washington, but he’ll win.

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Notorious liars in that thar GQP...

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US Senator Ted Cruz(R-Cancun). Fuck that guy.

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It's BS. He is lying.

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“99 pieces of legislation I’ve authored” should be a pretty fertile field to investigate! C’mon, Minions!

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Even if what he says is true, so fucking what? Being able to work with your colleagues is the lowest possible bar to clear in order to be an effective legislator. There should not be one single person in government who does not meet that standard.

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Democrats for Cruz...

Spock with a beard? I think not.

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I suppose the upside is that Cruz must be absolutely terrified of losing his seat to be trying to peel of centrist liberal voters rather than doubling down on the crazies.

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Jews for Jesus

Slugs for Salt

Democrats for Cruz

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Cancun Cruz has Democratic friends???

That's not what Al Franken said. Al said all 99 other senators flat out hate Lil Teddy.

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"That’s too crazy for Star Trek’s alternate universe, although we should point out that our own Ted Cruz already has a beard and is evil."

The beard should be a clue. We ARE the alternate universe.

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Slime mold has more "friends" than Moth-eaten, peri-werewolf, Raffie Croose, and performs actual useful functions. Cred Tuz is the dogshit that inevitably gets on your fingers when you're trying to get the dogshit that got on the sole of your shoe off, only somehow, even shittier, stinkier, and more unwanted.

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