We have national legislators (and not just these clowns) who do not accept the evidence that the Earth is billions of years old. Rather, they prefer to believe literally in a not-very-imaginative creation myth.

And we, the citizens of the richest and most militarily powerful state on Earth, elect them to be our leaders.

Go figure.

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I wish he didn't believe in gravity. Out a very tall building. With votes.

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Yeah, but they're not CFLs, are they?

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The Cruz cherrypicking technique has been <a href="http:\/\/www.skepticalscience.com\/graphics.php\?g=47" target="_blank">nicely illustrated.</a>

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<i>"[Cruz] said he just plain doesn’t believe the science"</i>

Science isn't something you <i>believe</i>. It's something you <i>know</i>.

But let's play this game another way... - I just plain don't believe in trickle-down economics. - I just plain don't believe guns save lives - I just plain don't believe in Green Eggs and Ham

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Science in the Senate has entered its Cubist Period.

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<i>"...it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States"</i>

The age of the Earth is calculated by carefully measuring radioactive decay. Those methods, like the "theories" of relativity and quantum physics, have practical, leading edge application in engineering. But if Rubio wants us to ignore science and its <i>blessings</i>, I'm sure other countries will fill the gap. We get everything else from China, may as well get knowledge from them too.

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Will the NOAA now unskew the weather reports?

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I wonder if Marco owns any beachfront property - and if he's bought extra insurance.

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His father seemed similarly confused about whether he was fighting with or against Castro.

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She already chairs the Committee for Compassionate Conservatism.

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Well, the good news is that if we keep ignoring climate change, Florida and Texas will be under water, so there will be 4 fewer seats in the senate for idiots like these two. The bad news . . .is . . . um . . . I can't think of any downside to this, actually.

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Well, the good news is that if we keep ignoring climate change, Florida and Texas will be under water, so there will be 4 fewer seats in the senate for idiots like these two.

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