Just one of my guns is worth $2500. You think I'd turn that in for a "couple hundred dollars"?

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Nearly half of the country consists of vile, repulsive, obnoxious pricks, so he's got that going for him.

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We'll give you $3000, and a Starbucks gift card.

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Piss is actually pretty clean. Pus Ted would be better.

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Actually it prohibits them from making policy recommendations based on their data. They're not forbidden to collect it.

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I was going to say that the only way these GOP shitstains would ever change is if one of their loved ones was killed in a similar way. But leaving aside the question of whether they could actually “love” anything except power, and also aside from the fact that I wouldn’t wish ill on anyone just because they were related to something like Ted Cruz, the reality is it just wouldn’t matter.

Cruz’s own mother/sister/daughter could be shot dead in a supermarket, and after a brief period of actual human emotion, then a politically calculated period of faux emotion, he would come to the tear-stained conclusion that the terrible events only prove that we need less regulation on guns. Because until EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GUN HUMPER loses a loved one, it will always be something that happens to someone else. And those gun humpers are the ones who put Cruz and his fellow soulless creatures where they are, so pandering to them is like breathing.

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And in conclusion, fuck Joe Manchin.

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Lifetime supply of pumpkin spiced lattes change your mind?

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Hint: it will be brown people.

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Wait - they have booze slushy stands in LA? Why wasn’t I told?!? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!

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You act like that’s not their entire raison d’etre.

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if there is, she doesn't like us.


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guns are for cowards

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...but not for private sales if you know the person.

Oh, well, there's a high bar for evidence.

Contraband arms dealer: Hey! You know me, don' cha? I'm Louie the Snake, Beano the Weasel's cousin?Criminal: Oh, yeah! Beano's cuz! I know you!

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I really think we need to ban high capacity magazines and assault/tactical style firearms in the US. But it would be hugely more effective to just ban the GOP.

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If you pay more than they cost in the store, then all you did was create a booming gun industry. It reminds me of the rat tail farms when there was a reward for bringing in rat tails, or the cobra farms when people got rewards for bringing in cobras.

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