FEDGOV will pay for the male orgasm but not the female abortion even if the female is raped in the line of duty.

"...and if you want to improve, you have to recognize where you are. American is a white patriarchal society...and if you are a woman, a child or a minority...you are fucked." - Bpb Earll in a speech for some anniversary of ACOA.

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I'm sure he knows exactly how big a hypocrite he is. He just doesn't care.

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I knew I should have scrolled down!

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This is the same guy who is now tongue washing the balls of the guy who insulted his wife, so obviously he is going to say and do whatever it takes to keep his ass in his Senate seat.

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He is Southern Baptist (follows Dr. Ed Young), of course he is a hypocrite.

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You got lucky, statistically speaking. Or one of you is not super fertile. Or a whole host of factors.

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Remember when Hilary was criticized for being "too prepared." Warren hits those buttons, too. Dammit! I WANT somebody's who's "too prepared" to take the Presidency!

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I agree.

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The sobbing goes on for a few more minutes after that.

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You'd think being shouldered with the burden of child support would be enough of an incentive for men to insist on using condoms. These are the guys I hear moaning about how she "said she was on birth control".

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1 pill at a time.

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And they can always freeze some sperm samples beforehand.

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