Things I learned recently: The Tallahatchee Bridge is just over a mile from the store where wypipo were offended enough by Emmett Till that they beat him to death.

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Sigh. Cruz is always on the wrong side, is he not?

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Ladies and Gentlemen, another Harvard Law Alum going out of his way to make it look like he knows phuckall about legal stuffs.

He might not agree with CRT, (most racists don't) but he sure as fuck understands the concept the argument makes.

Just to make sure we all know, CRT is not beinig taught to your sweet innocent white kids in grade school. If you're taking a CRT class, its almost certain you're in Graduate School, and that probably Law School. A law school obviously better at Law stuffs than Harvard.

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Ted Cruz is my barometer for knowing what the right side is - it's whatever opposes his.

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Which actually makes it worse. He knows he's wrong, he's just cynically using his followers instinctive hatred and ignorance.

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Ironically, Owen's tweet unintentionally supports the point CRT makes. The systemic racism in how our medical system treats Black patients as opposed to white patients (example: Tuskeegee experiment)) is what caused the distrust of vaccines in the Black community, which is the likely reason those employees chose not to have them.

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I think Cruz ran as an ideologue in 2016. I recall a paper refusing to endorse him because he “scared them.” Somewhat ironically, Trump was seen as a non-ideological moderate by many voters (that’s the great media fail of 2016)

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All he has to do is wave it near his face.

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Like Mitch and Paul Ryan and Rand Paul and .... and even Pendejo who knew how bad Covid would be but lied about it and Woodward who had him on tape admitting he was lying about it but sat on the audio until he was ready to sell his book.

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Worse, Ted does know better but he uses his two Ivy degrees to trick and cheat the people of Texas...like taking candy from a baby.

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The KKK used systematic terror with the cooperation of legal authorities and systemic legal stratagems to keep Blacks out of nearly all wealth-building opportunities for more than a century, while harvesting the dividends of $4 trillion in stolen labor.

CRT seeks to examine the results of the structures they created to enable that.

Pretty much exactly the same thing, except no white conservatives thought the KKK was bad at the time.

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A long time ago I remember thinking Cruz was just kinda dumb and pathetic, but he has steadily moved up in the rankings to "definitively a lying asshole". McConnell is far and away the winner of all, but there are plenty of folks like Cruz and Hawley jockeying to be crowned the next King of Self-Righteous Dissemblers and it makes me feel ill.

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What fatherless kids is the GOP spending billions of dollars on?

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"first or second generation Americans with names ending in X, or Y, or Z."

and look like Fidel Castro.

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I remember when Quayle said that. I was babysitting for a mother who escaped her abusive spouse. She was on government assistance while she finished college, trying to build some kind of life for her kid. And then Quayle shoots off his mouth, like he honestly thought this kid would be better off if the guy they were literally hiding from was in their lives?

Fuck all the way off, Mr. Potatoe Head, and thanks for pushing me further away from your party.

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He still thinks he's presidential material, doesn't he?

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