Just more proof, as if we needed it, that these top tier ivy league schools are more like diploma factories for the rich and well connected.

"I got into YALE (or Harvard, whatevs) !" Yeah, so did Cruz and Bush. So?

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Two service vet here, and I agree wholeheartedly. No good soldier (sailor, marine, airman) actually wants a war. Especially not after actually going there and seeing the elephant.

We need to cut our military and military spending by HALF. Pour that money back into the country. Our major export these days is war and weapons, and that has historically, never been good for a nation state.

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I do wish they'd sit down though.

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I guarantee you he wouldn't say this shit in an off base bar in front of a bunch of enlisted pukes.

It's only that good military discipline that keeps him from getting his ass beat down in the streets.

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"pussyassbitchwanker" is an excellent summary of them both.

And would make a great name for an all female punk band.

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I'd like to point out that Sgt. Hartman, aka Gunnery Sgt. R. Lee Ermy, voted for Ted Cruz and Donald trump.

Make of that what you will.

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Endgame? Perpetual fear, anger and outrage for the Republican base. They have no policies to help anyone but the rich, so their only other option to motivate their voters is: "Blacks/Browns/Gheys/Trans/ET coming to get ya! BOO!"

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Frightened and angry Repuke voters aren't thinking voters. Which is what they want.

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Well, Limdick up and died on them, so they need another hatemonger to lead them.

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They could issue that shit to every dog in Florida, and the gators won't care. Why do people insist on walking their muttskis within lunging distance of the water, anyways?

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I suspect he'd be moist about it.

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Oh, Ermey was a terrible person, that was always well known.

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Just making sure people know. I loved the trivia of his "Mail Call" show, but the man was an asshole.

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I understand. They are, both, childish.

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