The same can be said about Bibi and his intentions towards Iran, it's been what... 20 years (?) since he started warning the WORLD (not just the USA) that Iran is like a few months away from an atom bomb so, yeah, the whole country should be bombed before they do it?Oh, and remember when, back in 2002/3, he swore that the 'good' thing about taking down Saddam was that the ayatollahs wouldn't be far behind?

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Well... he is the father of the Jerk Baby who cried at OHJB... petulance seems to run in the family.

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Obama time machine libel!

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He's aware of him in the same way our cat made me aware of him this morning by pulling the garbage can over so I had to clean up the coffee grounds and other trash.

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"I may have been a totalitarian bent on genocide but at least I had an ethos. WTF is wrong with you guys?!"

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It can't be that hard. The Iranians managed to negotiate with us, and we've been calling for regime change for them for 40 years. Which is exactly what Iran has called for in Israel, not this destruction nonsense that people keep spouting.

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This joke isn't worth beans.

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There's some sort of narcissistic/sociopathic/psychopathic tendency in people who want their own reality TV show? I never would have guessed.

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It's scary to think we haven't yet reached Peak GOP.

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Well, they had that pathetic idiot that made all those Holocaust-deniers meetings while he was their President. And they actually have ties with lots of terrorists organizations.It's not nonsense but facts.But then again, apply one level of expectation on how another country should behave (if it's an American ally) that is different to the one applied on another (who happens to be, at the very least, not-a-friend) is double-standard.AKA hypocrisy.

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It's because you keep telling him he needs a filter, instead of letting him just be himself.

ETA: Dammit, scroll down first.

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Well now we know what the secret Obama meeting was about. It was how to make Cruz look bad.

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The Holocaust denying is part of the attempt to undermine the reasons for Israel's creation to further affect regime change. It's not calling for a second Holocaust. And one man's terrorists are another man's freedom fighters. Otherwise you'd have to call the U.S. on of the biggest supporters of terrorism in the world. (Just in Central America alone we've been as bad as Iran has been.) Iran is the bad guy because they have successfully stood athwart our ambitions for a hegemony in the Middle East, and have for 40 years.

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Can't we just slap the little twerp? Please?

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Mein Krämpfe!

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