Dok...look below for silliness

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The Germans have a word for Rafael's face, and that word is Bachpfeifengesicht

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I read that as "A Senator in Calgary All to Himself!"

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I recall Malcolm Gladwell profiling this guy in Outliers who supposedly has one of the highest-ever tested IQs (something over 200 IIRC), dropped out of college, and sort of just bounced from job to job, sometimes practically homeless.

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You're talking about people who voted for a VP candidate who quit her governorship after two years.

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And, despite that incontrovertible fact...continue to believe she would make a terrific President.

Although, admittedly, compared to that Kenyan guy...

Sorry couldn't keep a straight face for the snark line...

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"Sometimes it’s important not to just acquiesce when people say things that are misleading, but to actually correct"

He may understand Senate rules and the Constitution, but I'm not sure he understands the Republican party.

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I didn't know that! Thanks you very much! It's great to lean new words!

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Would you kill them on the phone?

Would you kill them with a drone?

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If he ever gets down off that cross.

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I'd pay money to watch a Twitter fight between Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton.

No I wouldn't.

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I don't know if "Ted Cruz" is some Funny or Die thing or a Jimmy Kimmel thing, but whoever it is, they need to stop. This shit isn't funny anymore.

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Not any more.

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Harvard Ted's role is to marginalize real conservatism.

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Many people who deserve to be called 'genius' have poor social skills or poor situation skills or poor day-to-day knowledge... or all three put together!That's life, they are excepcionally gifted in these or those specific areas of science/knowledge at the price of being poorly gifted in others.Cruz has all three put together, and is no 'genius'...

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Is it me... or does the picture at the top make him look like Bill Murray, actor and comedian. Oh, that's right, Cruz is more heavily into being a comedian....


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