Mom! President Obama is looking at me!!

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I wonder if they realize that Obama was elected by a majority of the population. Twice.

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There's another fatal flaw to Cruz's plan. He won't <em>get</em> to claim that he's voting for funding. Because he's not the motherfucking Senate Majority Leader, he doesn't get to determine the text of legislation brought to the floor. The only thing he'll ever get to vote on is an overall bill that does include Obamacare funding, and an amendment that strips it. He can vote "yes" to strip, but the odds of that amendment passing are zero. He can then either vote for funding including ACA funds, or no to funding. He can't vote yes to funding and no to ACA money.

What the fuck are they teaching at Harvard? Anything at all?

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k. i can't unsee that.

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today's fresh air was with NYT's congressional correspondent Jonathan Weisman and was particularly depressing.

baby canook cruz figured prominently.

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as a 1/2 canadian i resent this association. cruz is a (castro supporting) cuban oil worker's son who <i>happened</i> to be born in canada.

then they sent him to us. like a mold spore.

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The entire conservative platform is just one huge confirmation bias in support of oligarchy.

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Who's the narcissist now?

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And of course, this man was born under Canada's medicare system. Betcha his parents didn't insist on paying for it themselves.

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Right now I pay $912/month for an assigned-risk individual plan with $5000 deductible and every other conceivable gotcha clause, like a lifetime coverage limit. Under Obamacare I'll pay $600. Therefore I think Teddy Cruz is a frostback asshole.

If I lived in Tejas, I'd be delighted to vote against him. But if I lived in Tejas, who knows what I'd pay for health insurance, or whether I could get it at all. The Republicans are getting desperate and even beginning to say that once Obamacare goes into effect, no one will want to give it up, not even for the highly desirable goal of jamming more military pork into the blivet of Fort Knox, KY.

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Sure...reference to the Dry Tortugas <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_Tortugas">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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<i>"...force down our throat..."</i>

That's how Repubicans describe "Constitutionally enacted laws". If they don't like the way democracy works, they can amend the Constitution.

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Ah, "the common clay of the new West"

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I have faith that Cruz's efforts in the Senate would be voted down by the Democrats and the Republicans who think he's a dick, but would feel better about this if the House of Representatives were not controlled by the party that actually got a million less votes in the 2012 Congressional elections but is still claiming they have a mandate from the people.

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