The mods are blowing them up faster than I can snark at them. It's frustrating!

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I snortled.

[Memo to late arrivals: deleted troll's comment was a non-ironic "I miss Cheney."]

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at risk of offending the land of my mother's people: yeah he's an asshole but like most things US America we grow our assholes bigger, louder, meaner and stupider.

'merica FUCK YEAH!!!1!

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"Any couple who choose to be married are equal in the eyes of the law" is precisely the problem for these bigots. They can't imagine gays not being second-class citizens. They're the modern equivalent of 1950s racists.

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And less beheadings. That's a low bar, I know ... but it's something.

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It's worse than that ... they're trying to co-opt some of the world-wide revulsion over the beheadings, by pointing to them and yelling, "See how we're being persecuted?!!"

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"At least we're not murding them like ISIS."

Not nearly as often, at any rate.

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re: Cruz/Cotton sexxytimesI'd pay for that. Seriously, I'll chip in if we can find a way to videotape these two twatwaffles having hot sweaty mansexes, simply to solve a couple of problems all at once. Is O'Keefe available?

No, I'm not watching it! Ew also too! This is just for political purposes.

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Walking into a hornet's nest of incivility and vitriol here.

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There's a lube for that Ted

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Well! I never....

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"I have experienced the horrors of war, because I read it in a book." I have trouble keeping up. I didn't know we had moved on to talking about Billo.

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Some things are just beyond human abilities.

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Oh, those "come hither" eyes. Must resist...

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