Lovecraft was always a little frustrated about trying to describe his creations. In his short story "The Unnameable" the writer character expressed this very well. He did describe Wilbur Whateley as a "monstrous tetraology. An old term for freakish oddities.

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Neanderthal Libels! Besides we males have lost connection to them apparently.Modern male DNA without Y chromosome genes from Neanderthalshttp://www.upi.com/Science_...

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The usual Republican sexist idiocy. You know "Kitchen, Kirk, Kinder".

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Ted Cruz does not have normal expressions. He has to fake emotional reactions because something is missing in his brain. Any photo presents damning evidence of this. And the sentiment is not original to me.Why Ted Cruz’s Facial Expression Makes Me UneasyWhat message are the Senator’s atypical facial gestures sending? https://www.psychologytoday...

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So America gets to eat at the GOP buffet in Cleveland this summer.

Sure...why not? 100 million flies can't possibly be wrong.

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They need a proper Presidential candidate though to bring out the voters. Trump's 30-40 percent of Rebs and Cruz's even worse showing mean that a lot of their people will stay home in frustration unless there is a major local issue. Like say, who can use a public restroom marked "White Only"... wait wrong decade. If just that 40% of Rebs show they will vote for Trump and their Tea Party local heroes. The rest of the voters will vote Democrat for lack of another choice. Less than 25% voting Reb, means 30% turnout of others will do the job. And with a clear target to vote against, that number of others may even hit 40%.

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Politicizing while female and Democrat.

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True,Trump played the Republican Base and by - passed the Evangelical /Neoconservative/Wall Street coalition, beating these creeps at their own game .I for one cheer this on.Read between the lines ,and he is very moderate ,and would probably welcome a Democrat Congress /Senate to " deal with " over the GOP who oppose him.

He is pragmatic and these Ayn Rand meets Jesus types hate that !Cruz is the biggest creep to hit mainstream US politics since George Wallace and probably worse .Every vote against him is like a punch in that insufferable face of his .

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I was looking forward to a full-time job, with great benefits, at one of those death camps, but nooooo.

Thanks, Obama!

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Classic Imus!

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Thank you. It's great to meet others who appreciate the Classics.

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Is it me or does he look disturbingly like Grandpa Munster with a bad dye job?

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He is all things to everyone. In his own mind at least.

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I hate it when I am taught the recurring lesson: As always, I am a idiot.

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Classic narcissist trait: it's everyone else's fault.

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