Flee? Brought it w/ them!

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Please look up 'penultimate." I don't think it means what you think it means. :)

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Are we totally sure that this family didn't come to the U.S during the Mariel exodus of 1980? Fidel cleaned out the jails, and the psychiatric hospitals (this would explain Rafael Cruz) and sent all these people to Florida.

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Funny guys like Cruz don't even get it that Jews despise them and their Jesus is the true Messiah message. Let's say the feeling is not mutual.

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I am a news junky, I spend a lot of time looking for the truth, not a slant, so you just have to filter it all out and think for yourself...that being said, there's a real push back lately against Tea Baggers...their misinformation/smear campaign worked great, for awhile, but slowly the American idiots come around, and they just ain't buyin the Tea Bagger crap anymore, and I'm talking about Conservatives...their bullshyt is getting old

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Someone please 'splain to me why the Christian right are so enamored of Israel and the Jews. Wasn't it not too long ago, maybe as far back as yesterday, when the Jews were condemned by a whole lot of Christians as the "killers of Christ"? I know Sister Mary Elephant told us that. Oh, wait...is it because they're pandering? Never mind.

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And, you know that by talking to Cuba we are just inviting them to conquer us with their mighty army.

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He probably also claiming to be poor so he can get SNAP.

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Oh, see, I thought they actually signed each others' knees.

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Well played club, well played.

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Just don't get them wet or feed them after midnight.

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Both Bill Clinton and JFK?

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Sally Hemmings?

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For some reason, I thought it sounded vaguely bawdy.

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Julie and Tricia Nixon?

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