Personally, I hope a Violence *Upon* Congress Act is enacted. I know I'd not be the only citizen in line, baseball bat in hand. Not that I advocate violence, but I think an exception is warranted in this case.

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"This video contains content from SME and PRS CS, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

The irony, it burns.

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I totally need to see banner headlines in WaPo and chyrons on CNN proclaiming: "Republicans In Disarray", because seriously, these guys are more dysfunctional than the New Jersey Housewives.

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Goddammit. We're going to sue for defamation of country soon. He isn't ours; he doesn't want us and we don't want him. You're stuck with him, Yankees.

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<i>Perhaps Duffy can introduce a Violence Against Congress Act</i>

Excellent idea. Let's start with invasive probes, shall we?

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No, but we can blame him on Alberta, Canada's other home of separatist whiners: <a href="http://www.separationalbert..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.separationalberta.com/">http://www.separationalbert...

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And that bitch, Ann Murray, too.

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Seems like someone should be selling popcorn. This is at least as entertaining as WWF wrestling.

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Has anyone given Cantor a swirly, yet?

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