actually i'd be cool if they could just write a five page essay with no misspellings and the correct application of apostrophes, commas and capitalization.
Sent them all to an island -- which would become a very <i>polite</i> island, so let&#039;s be sure the island has no jackbooted police to take away their rights. How many days do you think this libertardian paradise would last?
If the wingnutz want another Concord bridge, Ted has one to sell them.
Ted&#039;s latched onto the basics of grifting, as practiced by Sarah Palin and American teevee talibangelists: find really dumb people, and take their money in exchange for telling them that they&#039;re 100% right.
I can wait...
It&#039;s the only way to be sure.
Not a 2x4, but a ClueByFour. Many problems are solved by the application of a ClueByFour upside someone&#039;s head. With votes, of course....
Awww, they&#039;re BOTH hawt redheads!
Gonna be stealin&#039; that.
Burn &#039;em for fuel.
actually i&#039;d be cool if they could just write a five page essay with no misspellings and the correct application of apostrophes, commas and capitalization.
<i>&ldquo;If you want another Concord bridge, I&rsquo;ve got some buddies.&rdquo;</i>
i don&#039;t think even MORE wingtard fear droppings are going to convince anyone ted.
Those who can&#039;t comment, drink.
Some son of a bitch would die (from votes).
Of course not, but there was still the World Series.
But, as it happened, effective.
<i>If you want another Concord bridge, I&rsquo;ve got some buddies.</i>
His &quot;buddies&quot; no doubt already live <i>under</i> the bridge so they wouldn&#039;t have that far to commute.
Sent them all to an island -- which would become a very <i>polite</i> island, so let&#039;s be sure the island has no jackbooted police to take away their rights. How many days do you think this libertardian paradise would last?
If the wingnutz want another Concord bridge, Ted has one to sell them.
Ted&#039;s latched onto the basics of grifting, as practiced by Sarah Palin and American teevee talibangelists: find really dumb people, and take their money in exchange for telling them that they&#039;re 100% right.
No, it&#039;s Sing Sing, obvs: Γ’ΒΒͺPrisoners of LoveΓ’ΒΒ«