A Horse with No Name libul!!1!

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"But when I kick the door down to the enemy’s outhouse..."

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maybe he was driving behind Bill Blakely

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I think there was one by the Velvet Underground ... can't quite think of the name.

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Like that episode of the kids show "Curious George and the Loaded Glock".

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AMEN! I know we Wonketteers crave teh articles, but why do we continue to feed these trolls, Nugent, Victoria Jackson etc, who would be unrecognized if not for our loving reportage of their latest outrage? Try trashing Thomas (Soulless) Sowell, or Stoffel, or something.

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I figger the Nuge got his infections the old-fashioned way -- eating cat shit. And that's not a metaphor.

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I thought it was about civil engineering and materials science.

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This could actually become meme. Or a meataphor (sic). Or something.

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Nug should demonstrate how he got all Rambo on Charlie over in 'Nam. That'd be cool.


Well, maybe he should show everyone how he pees his pants like a fkg sissy when the bogeyman says 'boo'.

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I'm trying to remember the time back when "hey look at me, I just spewed hyper-crazy all over myself" was considered a bug and not a feature.

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