<i>Confidentially, we already have Melinda Gates on contraception</i>


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To me, it made Newt Gingrich seem like its author.

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TED hosted a Thomas Friedman talk so it's dead to me now.

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<i>"...throw away the microphone ..."</i>

I know of a woman who's daughter suffered mental retardation after using Bachmann's microphone. OK, it was Bachmann's mother and ... OK ... the daughter had the mental retardation before that. But throw it away anyway.

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I'll remember your observation when the U.S.A. is surpassed by Somalia in rational governance under prez Romney.

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I don't mind wealth and income disparity. I mind an uneven playing field. I mind Repubicans holding up net worth as the only yardstick of a person's value, using wealth as a metric for virtue. People get rich one of three ways: inheritance, or luck, or by treating everyone in their life as a profit center -- in other words, by being an asshole 24x7.

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John McCain sings Ke$$ha:

Wake up in the morning feeling like Perry Como I got my dentures--I'm out the door--I'm going to hit the DC Before I leave brush my teeth that I got in 'Nam Cause i wouldn't want to offend my girlfriend, Graham Tik Tok etc.

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I bet Bachmann would step up, though it would be best to throw away the microphone after use.

In the interest of "fairness", natch.

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