Not willing to trust a high-school dropout to mend the tattered 4th Amendment, eh? Consider that he was a network analyst--I.e., computer nerd--for what must be a very complex network. The administrator usually has access to everything.

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Well, I'm sure he'll enhance the Culture there.

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OT, but now we know <a href="http:\/\/www.guardian.co.uk\/world\/2013\/jun\/09\/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance\?guni=Network front:network-front full-width-1 bento-box:Bento box:Position1" target="_blank">who</a> blew the whistle on the NSA spy program.

Bad news for the Sabbath gasbags and spy-pologists: like Bradley Manning, he did it for principle.

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Lol, I know Howe and Neko too also- she'd hang out backstage with us at some of the big shows I was doing monitors for if she was in town. And I've known Craig for years. We used to play St Elmo's and the Stock Exchange back before our day jobs destroyed any semblance of a musical career

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Interesting article

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I regularly work at the place Ann Coulter got pied at. While the idea is pretty damn funny, in practice not so much. It cost the venue hundreds of dollars to fix the damage to the cyclorama

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I downloaded my latest P point from BitTorrent ...

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I was not there, just got an earful afterwards. And yeah, they missed, on top of everything else.

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The 1/2 " reel to reel version was a bit problematic too also

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While I see the arguments on both sides and don't particularly like the major labels either, I also know what it's like to have your IP taken w/o compensation and yes, it does feel like theft. In fact, one of the biggest BS rationalizations of piracy is the "evil big boys who can afford it/won't miss it" as someone rips off some struggling artist who is eating hobo beans hoping to make their venture a success

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FLAC works fine, as does .shn and Apple lossless.

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<i>Head</i>phones? Can I bring my subwoofer too?<br /><br /><br />Yer prolly right, though.

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I still buy CDs for the quality and artwork/liner notes. I admit that I have about half a terabyte of mp3s that I use, but I never listen to them for personal pleasure. I actually prefer 24/96 to 16/44.1 and unless you have real good DACs 1/2" at 30 ips still sounds better to me

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The possibility? That's the plan...

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Sorry Kid, grok got it right. What gives you the right to determine when someone has made "enough" money? Who gets to decide where the line between big and small is and what are the odds that that line won't continue to slide lower and lower as the rationalizations add up?

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Shoot the seals!

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