When did Happy Nice Time get so kinky?

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<i>Do you want to hear about how the gays made it so you have to use Internet Explorer now because of how they hate freedom? </i>

Mozilla shit-canned <a href="https:\/\/blog.mozilla.org\/blog\/2014\/04\/03\/brendan-eich-steps-down-as-mozilla-ceo\/" target="_blank">Brendan Eich</a> so there's peace in the valley once more.

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Happy. Happy.

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Saturday Evening Post meets Twilight Zone. She looks like she would just as easily smother somebody with that cling-wrap, as wrap up any more sammiches.

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See that kit the guy is holding? This is the <i>Real</i> "Dexter" and his wife accomplice that inspired the books. Meet David and Janet Heckler, circa 1953, shown here preparing for a kill (after making all the sammiches for their son Tommy's little league team for the game later that week).

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Aaaaaaaaagghhh! Why did Jacob Clifton say no? Ask him again. Or threaten him. Or bribes. How about bribes?

Clifton belongs on Wonkette. It's a marriage made in ... well, someplace nice, with an open bar. Because otherwise he will end up writing for some awful thing like Salon or the NYT and it will be the end of culture.

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