Of course when uninsured people stagger into emergency rooms, half-dead from undiagnosed (but easily treatable) illnesses, that doesn't cost the state of Tennessee a dime.
What a bunch of garbage humans. They're starting to make sociopaths look good because at least a psychopath's actions don't usually affect a couple hundred thousand people's lives.
That would have been tough to deal with but did they stop there? No, they had to also started ringing the bell and running! Those were dark days, indeed.
If this guy has health insurance through Morgan Stanley, why is he taking government subsidized health insurance he's not using? Doesn't seem like very appropriate "wealth management" for the people of Tennessee.
the federal government pays 100% of the cost of Medicaid eligibility expansion in 2014, 2015 and 2016; 95% in 2017, 94% in 2018, 93% in 2019, and 90% in 2020 and all subsequent years.
as to the 'no cap in sight' many states, including my own (IL) are putting rather innovative programs in place to control costs. which is in fact a major goal of obamacare that gets lost in all the fuss about insurance premiums.
and as many others have pointed out below, the states aren't spending Medicaid $$ in a vacuum. there are economic and societal gains to trade off the increased spending.
Of course when uninsured people stagger into emergency rooms, half-dead from undiagnosed (but easily treatable) illnesses, that doesn't cost the state of Tennessee a dime.
The Night of the Long Chalk would go down in history as one of the most Nazi things ever to happen.
Well, there is this one plan I heard of:https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Teahadists would happily let them die on said ER floor and not pay a dime for them. Remember the "Let them die!" cries at the last Republican debates?
What a bunch of garbage humans. They're starting to make sociopaths look good because at least a psychopath's actions don't usually affect a couple hundred thousand people's lives.
That would have been tough to deal with but did they stop there? No, they had to also started ringing the bell and running! Those were dark days, indeed.
If this guy has health insurance through Morgan Stanley, why is he taking government subsidized health insurance he's not using? Doesn't seem like very appropriate "wealth management" for the people of Tennessee.
Reached for comment, the president of the Wealth Management division of Morgan Stanley said, "WHOO-YAH! THAT'S OUR BOY!"
Right. Because gerrymandered districts that ensure a Republican majority in statehouses across the South are not a thing.
he’s lucky I only called him by his first nameSince the guy's name is "Asshole" I don't know why this is even news, Wonket!
“Why don’t you give it up? [Your] Asshole?” “I’m not giving up [my] asshole!”
These quotes beg the question: just how wide is Gardenhire's stance?
Billiard players in Berlin.
no that's not quite right. from CMS (4/13):
the federal government pays 100% of the cost of Medicaid eligibility expansion in 2014, 2015 and 2016; 95% in 2017, 94% in 2018, 93% in 2019, and 90% in 2020 and all subsequent years.
as to the 'no cap in sight' many states, including my own (IL) are putting rather innovative programs in place to control costs. which is in fact a major goal of obamacare that gets lost in all the fuss about insurance premiums.
and as many others have pointed out below, the states aren't spending Medicaid $$ in a vacuum. there are economic and societal gains to trade off the increased spending.
Good to know he's on a first name basis with his constituents. Maybe chalk it up to executive "washroom" privylegedness.
Wealth management, waste management it's all the same with Republicans, right?