A Tennessee state senator has figured out why children from poor homes aren't doing well in school -- it is because their families' situation is not quite precarious enough!
<i>The third leg of the stool (probably the most important leg)</i> That&#039;s funny, my wife says my third leg is the most important too . . .
This idea makes as much sense as cutting the funding from schools that have students who don&#039;t meet arbitrary testing standards. Just to be sure they never manage to turn it around.
<i>The third leg of the stool (probably the most important leg)</i> That&#039;s funny, my wife says my third leg is the most important too . . .
No pi - no pie!
This idea makes as much sense as cutting the funding from schools that have students who don&#039;t meet arbitrary testing standards. Just to be sure they never manage to turn it around.
&quot;We can break the cycle of poverty by increasing poverty&quot;.