It's say an lot that the Governor didn't just I don't know call J and J and ask about it.. I'm pretty sure the governor of an state could get an return phone call from an executive or even the CEO. But then the Republicans prefer Truthiness than the real facts

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Dok said in the climate article that it's not time to sing "nearer my god to thee" as we slide beneath the waves just yet, but then I read about these people and I wonder.

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Did he have a problem with his God Emperor being injected with dead babies to aid His recovery?

Because really, if there was a time to object and prevent something, that was it.

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Yet another reason civilized countries separate church and state.

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Just as they separate firearms from violent lunatics. Where can we get some of that "civilizing" stuff?

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Aaaaand-- He'll be re-elected in a landslide!!

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More of a slime-slide, but yeah.

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I got the hot sauce baby sprinkles vax and I feel great!

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I recall hearing, back in the olden times, something like “the good lord helps those who help themselves.” Why are these people so damned dependent?

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I have been seeing the word "moron" here a lot lately, starting with the Nancy Pelosi thing yesterday. I think this is an insult to morons. Of the three archaic diagnoses, morons were the highest functioning followed by imbeciles and then, finally idiots. We should be more exact.

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where was "garbage-dicked shitgoblin" in this hierarchy?

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Jesus H. Christ. This sounds remarkably like the crap an old schoolmate was sharing on FB about the AZ vaccine because part of the batch number was CH AD OX and then a bunch of numbers. Some religious nut jobs decided CH AD was the name Chad, the O was in fact a 0 and that meant something along the lines of it being produced from the cells of an aborted baby named Chad.I had to really dumb down the science (this woman is as thick as 2 short planks, she was that way at school too) and explain that CH is short for Chimpanzee and AD is for adenovirus and that all it means is that the carrier for the Covid protein spike is basically a virus that affects chimps but does not cause any symptoms in humans and it has been manipulated by scientists so it contains the Covid protein spikeand our immune system can learn to recognise the spike so it can learn how to fight Covid.I'm not sure how successful I was as not long ago she caught Covid. As far as I'm aware neither her nor her husband and kids actually self isolated at the time. I didn't have much respect for her to begin with, I have even less now.

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The senate, I think.

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She had to be polite in front of the cameras. What she really wanted to say was "he's such a little fascist windsock"

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homeopathic aborted babies?

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