Assuming he can read.

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god. i hate zombies.

seriously. hate. zombies.

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So wait, Odin?

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<i>We do not provide tours of our Outdoor Research Facility.</i>

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What kind of idiot thinks Freedumb applies to anyone but Real True Christian Patriots? Stupid librulz, can't even read the plain language of the First Amendment.

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Nor from Shinola can they distinguish their own fundament.

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And as we all know, the French are a bunch of commie socialists, so eww!

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The answer to the problem approaching Muslin Zombie Apocalypse* is obvious: bury every dead Muslin clutching a silver cross on their chest. There. Problem solved. And I don't see any possible objection anybody could have with it.

*which I hereby ™ for my own future garage band, once I learn to play some instrument

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No, this isn't a story about Santorum.

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What the foreign kind of fucking name is DesJarlais anyways?

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Congressman Scott DesJarlis then excused himself, as he was late for his 1:00pm interview where he accused President Obama of destoying the Constitution and silencing people who have different opinions or beliefs than him.

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