Are you talking about the crazy-pants statue on I-65? It looks fine from a distance but that face is nightmare fuel

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And, which I did not know, he caused or at least his government was instrumental in making a lot worse, a famine in Bengal during WWII that caused a couple of million people to starve, by diverting food from Bengal to British troops in the Asian theatre, when they had enough to eat as it was but the Bengalis didn't.And there was his treatment of the striking Welsh coal miners when he was Home Secretary. He was about as respected in their valleys as anthrax, then and later.He was the leader England needed during the war, he was courageous and inspirational and a fantastic orator, and he was astoundingly stubborn, which was a good thing in that context, and his giving his friend Lord Beaverbrook important jobs at which Beaverbrook performed very well indeed, was not the least of Churchill's value at the time. But the nation perceived after the war that he wasn't the right leader for peacetime, too hard-nosed a conservative, and voted his government out.At least he took it gracefully. He was a much bigger man than Donald Trump, which is admittedly a low bar to be clearing.

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Put it on the list for the next Infrastructure Week.

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Nah, that's just nepotism. "Hey, my wife's brother in law does statues..."

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They did not volunteer, they were SLAVES brought to him to be repaired so that they could continue breeding.He did not even bother with anaesthesia for his experimental subjects, because he didn't believe Black people felt pain the same way that whites do, despite noting their screams of agony in his surgical write-upsThe fact that you would even consider describing the removal of his statue as an "overreaction" makes it obvious that you are too arrogantly ignorant to contribute to this discussion. Jesus Christ.


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It IS Balto!

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and stay there!

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talk about aging well and being one of those people who are exactly as nice as they seem!

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It is amusing to realize Tennessee is honoring someone far worse than Andrew Johnson, one of the worst Presidents! It was difficult to do worse but Tennessee succeeded! Poor ChumleyđŸ˜µ

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He literally started slavery by Europeans in the New World!

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It freed the slaves in the traitor states. Since the Union Army was occupying territory in those states, the slaves who escaped to the Union lines were freed. Plus, later, everyone in Sherman's wake.

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Why not dump them in the Gulf of Mexico so that coral reefs can grow on them, like in Cancun?

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She was a contender for worst person ever till the 20th Century. The Reconquista (expelling the Moslems), expelling the Jews, initiating the Spanish Inquisition and sponsoring Columbus and the conquistadors. That's a lot of genocide for the pre-industrial era!

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That's why he bankrupted more than one casino!

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Only while Donald Trump is visiting foreign countries!

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I dreamed once that the statue on the right came to life and was chasing me. Scared the merde out of me.

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