The biggest scam of our lifetimes- playing out right in front of our eyes- is how the gqp has successfully diverted attention away from the ultra rich fleecing us for every last penny while they point at the poor and blame *them* for whatever straw man is being propped up that day

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"Republicans love pushing the idea that Americans are inherently lazy and the only way to fix it is to make things as miserable as possible for people, to compel them to work hard."

"Lazy" has been a dog whistle for Black since Reagan. Whenever Republicans are talking about lazy people on the public dole, they mean Black people. And that's what their voters picture.

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My old company was required to post jobs even if we already had a qualified candidate. We would also hire a recruiting firm to actually find candidates even if there was a direct application route and only look at the recruiter-screened applicants. It's hella common.

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I took an intro to sociology course in college out of interest, and the first week there was this white chick who took every opportunity to whine that society's problems were caused by lazy poor people (and this is the Southeast so realistically that implied "Black" as well) who would rather sit on their asses and collect public assistance than work, and if they'll just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, everyone would be rich and happy.

Never heard from her from week 2 on. She must have dropped the class when it became clear that most of the rest of us thought she was an asshole. Snowflake.

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Well, If Africa tells you to do something you just do it...well...a long time ago I mean..not anymore.

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Also distracts low wage whites from the beating their taking.

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Not Republican = Lazy

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They're afraid of SOCIALISM!!

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If 97% of these supposed jobs are paying under 20k a year then they are a blight on Tennessee. They are jobs whose shitty salaries are going to be subsidized by the public.

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As a "supervisor" that has gone to the dark side I disagree with -Americans don't want to get paid to sit on their asses-

Me: I don't want a new assignment. I tell Sergeant Metsler that every time.

Overachiever::I'm good at this. - Good at what? Sittin' on ass?

No one ever comes in here.

Still Sittin Me:: Yeah, I know. It's perfect for me. No one bothers me. I can't screw up.--Idiocracy if better casted with me.

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About half of poor people are pretty amazing being both invisible and white.

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Feast your eyes upon all the jobs in Tennessee!

Wait wut?Did you mean: Feast your eyes upon all the shitty jobs that no one wants in Tennessee!

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You think teenagers are human beings?

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I hope TN Dems are loudly pointing out that Lee is refusing an influx of FEDERAL money into his state which would boost the state economy, instead of draining state coffers to supplement all these jobs that pay so little people will still be reliant on public assistance, i.e., TN-paid assistance.

He might have a leg to stand on with TN R-voters if he didn't want to use state money to pay the extra unemployment, but this is turning down a no-interest grant because you'd rather use up all your savings first.

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I'll agree with the GQp on one thing: Rethuglicans are inherently lazy.

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