Thank you for your service.

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Dude. I believe this system could work, but even i don't see this being a thing until after i'm dead... or 20 years. whatever comes first. and the ppl you cite are not representative of the majority. read the 147 reasons McConnel can go fuck himself


for stats on who really makes up this country

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I hope you get your wish, the man is a flaw on the planet. May you get the old wise Wisconsin back before Scott rigged the elections (gerrymandering.)

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you should prolly start thinking about it again

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agree. full support.

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I'm in the 'burbs of NOLA. Lots o' Trumpers here.

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Again with the projection!

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Can't argue with the good sense of holding him to his campaign pledges.

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I first read that as Mt Or Read, in other words, climb the hill or read - it's your choice...

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Sounds comminist to me.

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Look, I'm not going to stop doing my little part to make people's lives in my little corner of the world better, but I don't see how the US system of government survives the next 10 years. I get the feeling 2016 was the last chance, and we lost it. Hell, we've been losing it since Nixon, but I really don't see an off-ramp anymore when the only way to fix things is to get 30 states who want to remain in the 1850s to reorganize the whole thing.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. It's how I feel about climate change. We don't have a chance in hell of not warming past 3 degrees, with all the hell that entails... but it feels WRONG to stop doing what little I can.

Thank you for doing what you are doing!!!!

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John Roberts smiles.

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The fifth district in TN used to be a good example of packing (shove all the libtards in one area) but now they are going for good ol' cracking. Again, rejoicing that I left TN 1.5 years ago.

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I live in a conservative county is a blue state. We have zero economic development, a single party , no vision and poverty. Good luck Nashville.

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Spot on, the 'burbs of Nashville are classic white-flight with a bunch of "Hey I just moved to Nashville but really Murfreesboro"

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