Not to be all anti-Tennessee, because we realize that there are many liberal awesome people in the Tennessee and you will all show up in the comments and remind us of this, but we've always presumed that being gay in some parts of Tennessee is...less than a picnic.
But -- but if the kids aren&#039;t allowed to <i>mention</i> teh gai, how will the teachers and &quot;counselors&quot; know who to out to their parents?
So I guess the homophobes&#039; new attempt to end around the APA&#039;s fairly definitive statements that they now consider being gay <em>not</em> to be a mental illness is to claim that OK being gay isn&#039;t a mental illness, it just <em>makes</em> you mentally ill, or something?
WTF, some people in charge have no business being in charge of anything, not even their own TV clicker.
What the fucktards in the state assembly are probably hoping for is that gay kids in Tennessee will want to move out of Tennessee as soon as they possibly can. But not before their lives are made as miserable as possible. Because ... I dunno ... Jesus?
Prohibiting it would infringe on their religulous freedumbs.
Sew a patch on their clothes, too. Historically, that&#039;s also been shown to be effective.
We have noted, on occasion, the non-random distribution of drought, fires, heat waves, and tornadoes across the nation.
Breitbart was not the first teabagging camel to face the eye of the needle, and he won&#039;t be the last.
But -- but if the kids aren&#039;t allowed to <i>mention</i> teh gai, how will the teachers and &quot;counselors&quot; know who to out to their parents?
I&#039;m surprised the entire student body isn&#039;t informed, so they can assemble in the gym for big pray-away-the-gay-athon.
I don&#039;t think you have to be a lesbian to be a vagitarian.
Hey, I&#039;m a male lesbian! *group hug*
So when do the teachers in Tennessee get to tech? Oh, wait, this explains much.
I am surprised that they are not required to try and pray away the gay before tattling to the parents.
So I guess the homophobes&#039; new attempt to end around the APA&#039;s fairly definitive statements that they now consider being gay <em>not</em> to be a mental illness is to claim that OK being gay isn&#039;t a mental illness, it just <em>makes</em> you mentally ill, or something?
WTF, some people in charge have no business being in charge of anything, not even their own TV clicker.
I thought Davy Crocket was the Tennessee bear bugger.
What flavor?
And it certainly wouldn&#039;t keep gay kids from seeking support from possibly the only source of support that they perceive.
Apropos deep-fried Southern gayness: <a href="http:\/\/\/rs\/2013\/01\/30\/gomer-pyle-actor-marries-male-partner-of-38-years\/" target="_blank">Go-o-ol-lyy!</a>
What the fucktards in the state assembly are probably hoping for is that gay kids in Tennessee will want to move out of Tennessee as soon as they possibly can. But not before their lives are made as miserable as possible. Because ... I dunno ... Jesus?
Jesus fucking wept.