These are members of the Biblican party.

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Buddhists got to watch out for them Rohingya!

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Mr. Douglas Reynholm relinquished his "Shithead of the Year" award to Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, who will share the award this year with Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, etc., etc.

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You mean the "Oath Keepers" who wanted to defend Kim Davis for violating her oath?

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So that's the "real truth" behind Sandy Hook! /sarcasm so painful it make ver cry

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It smells a lot like gun powder and blood leaking from bullet wounds...who'd have known? Now we just need to package it and sell it to rubes as a cologne, dibs on the formula!

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And silence from the main stream media about this asshole...hear the crickets? Now if his name was Mahmud Mohammed, Lt. Governor of Michigan and he was telling all Muslims to be armed after some wingnut killed Muslims what do you expect the response would be?

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Didn't that 11 year old boy just "onward Christian soldiers" shoot that 8-year old girl, Lt. Gov Ramsay? Who knows, she could have been raised secular and just been plotting on arming the puppy she wouldn't let him see....

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It isn't "You the People", Nashville. It's "You the People's" representatives that, obviously, aren't representing you very well. All blessings to you.

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For Rats, I suggest a small caliber weapon, but they are hard to hit so I would go with a long barreled handgun.Now the fleas are a bit harder to hit, so no mercey and use a double barreled 10-gauge goose gun.

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Thank you for your perception. You'll never strike me as silly, Putty.

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Poltergeists? Sorry, couldn't help myself! : )

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Thankfully, we sent him and Anne's dancing horse packing.

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Next time you see the bumpersticker, "Honk if You Love Jesus" DON'T. It's a trap! Gunfire to follow! Right, Ramsey?

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No, it's shoot first, drag the body into your house, claim "Stand Your Ground."

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Just like in The Bible where Romans were oppressing the Jews and beating them & hanging them up on crosses - so Jesus came and KICKED THEIR SORRY ASSES because if the Romans had swords, then the apostles needed 'em, too.

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