They wouldn't know that because their parents protested when the school tried to teach world religions such as Islam. (See 2 articles on home page of Wonkette).

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You're supposed to hover (<i>not</i> hoover).

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Alas, not in the Statehouse.

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Not in my family.

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State legislatures: America's best advertisement for universal mental health coverage.

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It's been too long since I did some hardcore, righteous coveting.

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I'll be in my bunker.

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10% of the nerve endings in the body are down there, IIRC.

Reflexologists and/or brain researchers sometimes say the pathways that carry / receptors that receive genital-pleasing signals are close to those for the feets.

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If Gawd intended us to void into water, He would've made it fall from the sky.

/ 'Terlets' - heh!

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So you're why we smelly Occupy hippies can't have nice restroom facilities.

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Wait, don't forget the part about giving tons of munniez to the telemegapreachers. (That's not really a part in there but hallelujah, fleecing the gullible for freedum!!!)

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So many frights, so little time.

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Of the 10 commandments, only two are applicable to our legal system: - no murdering (except when standing your ground) - no stealing (except from medicare to pay for tax cuts)

We're still free to: - worship other gods - make graven images (especially of the man-on-a-stick variety) - violate the sabbath - covet people and things - dishonor our parents - lie

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This footwashing will end when Georgia gets all of Tennessee's water. <a href="http://www.theatlanticwire...." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/03/g...">http://www.theatlanticwire....

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and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

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praise the Lord and pass the snakes!

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