Are they used for anything other than beer pong?

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Nice twist.

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How many poodles died to make those shoes!!!!1!!

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Rep Blackburn’s reasoning by analogies is like trying to deep fry bricks on a rainy day while the mailman is flying a kite. It just doesn’t work people!!!!!!

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Oh Maaaaaaaarrrrrrrtthhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa

Guess I'll have to point out, yet again, that the ACA does not prohibit the sale of junk "insurance" that does not in any way protect the fools that buy it from medical bankruptcy. It merely doesn't consider it "qualifying", meaning you can't use government money to buy something the government doesn't like (oh, hai, Hyde Amendment, say, doesn't Marsha Blackburn want to make sweet ladylove to you all day and night?), and also that the government will still <strike>fine</strike> "tax" you as if you didn't have insurance, because you don't have anything that does what insurance is supposed to do (protect you from bankruptcy).

It's a bit like, say, how the state of Tennessee let you buy a crapped out Pinto if you want, but will fine you and maybe arrest you if you drive it without insurance that meets the standards the State sets (checks... $25k minimum individual injury/death coverage, $50k minimum combined injury/death coverage, $15k minimum property damage coverage.. <strong>wow</strong> the State of Tennessee does not put a high value on a life). In fact, it's almost exactly like that. Also, they won't let you buy a new car without seatbelts.

Oh also too, if you love freedum so much, how about working with your state legislature to allow the good people of your state who are unfortunate enough to have to rely on Medicaid the <em>choice</em> of an option other than managed care? Oh that's right, because you're a rank hypocrite.

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Or birth, for that matter.

Every man has a mother. Almost every man benefited from ob/gyn care when he was in the womb.

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Don't even get R*n P**l started on unpasteurized milk...

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Sadly, the obvious thing to do with "Blackbird fly" is not allowed in these parts.

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Modern liberalism demands mild-steelony! Better corrosion resistance, higher strength-to-weight ratio, AND easier to manufacture in Republican-friendly industrial quantities.

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And if I want to drink beer from my Solo cup while I drive my Ford, it's no-one's business but my own.

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Big Gov has a whole lotta boobs. See above, for example.

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Most of them are getting exactly what they wanted for their money.

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Among other things wrong with this dessicated hag in a blonde wig is the fact that she spells her first name the dumb way.

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Yeah, I'm scratching my head over Cohen's inclusion in that list. I mean, there's an actual liberal in the Congressional Delegation from Tennessee!

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That Solo cup comment! What a sharp insight on freedumb! It's great to know there she is always there to protect the American People from things that benefit them.

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Wendy Davis would not wear those pink sneakers.

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