Asking Republicans to Google, too.

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There are no cute Nazis.

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Don't know what a white supremacist looks like? Look in the mirror. #SHAME

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Sort of! It may not render in all devices or fonts (especially in the West), but the characters "卍" and "卐" are part of the Unicode spec (U+534D and U+5350, respectively). They are used throughout India and Asia, where they are both a common religious symbol and sometimes part of the written language. You won't find the 45°-rotated Nazi version in there, AFAIK.

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If Tennessee has open meeting laws, and if the resolution was never discussed in committee, then how did the Republicans on the committee come up with all of the concerns Ramsey says they had? THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE PUBLIC MEETINGS YOU MORON.

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Ramsay musta failed civics.

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An insolvent Illinois Nazi youtuber died last week. 14 of his friends donated 88 cents each, dug a hole in the back yard, and spent the rest on moonshine. Thoughts and prayers. Thttps://www.youcaring.com/...

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White Citizens Council 2018

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Funny thing, in real life the man in that picture was literally the poster boy for the US Army fighting the Nazis

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I wonder if she was the one who played Melania's body double on a couple of occasions.

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Cute hitler has no nuts

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Wait wait wait...so let me get this right...Can't rush to judgement on people who call themselves white supremacists and or nazis (the two oft combine) because we need more details and it would be unfair to condemn and anyway what is terrorism really, right?And yet, Antifa are all evil doers everyone hang them without a trial. Is that about it, Tennessee?

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So they don't know what a Nazi is, they could just ask Trump.

He KNOWS them, and that they have fine people too.

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With apologies to The Blues Brothers: Tennessee Nazis; I HATE Tennessee Nazis.

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Let's not forget Thomas J. Watson, big Hitler fan, whose IBM Corporation essentially ran the Holocaust with its machines and maintenance technicians, not to mention billions of custom punch cards.

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Some o' them boys is their own daddies.

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