This isn't big news because it isn't news. They announced that they weren't going to have a new platform weeks ago- we mocked them then for not having checked that platform for continually railing against "the current administration" which had been referring to Obama but obviously wasn't any more.

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Tennessee is also gerrymandered all to fuck, as I recall.

So, really, it's: you can't vote us out, and you can't even protest. Representative government? Not so much. A hollowing out of democracy, effectively. The good old boys in Tennessee taking a page from Orbán. This no hyperbole.

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Well put - and only power for THEM, of course.

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Sherman should have slowed down a little bit, instead of rushing straight to Georgia. He missed a ton of magats, which have been breeding ever since.

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Also give all their donors generous no-bid contracts.

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We wouldn't have a United States if they didn't do that.

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This wouldn't stand up in a Walmart parking lot. It should be swatted like the pointless legislative fly it is.

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'President' Sundowner, as I recall, is taking the stage at 10 pm. Assuming he's on time.

I feel the goal of all good people should be to make sure some late night infomercial for a carrot peeler or somethin' gets more viewers than he does.

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Constitution? We don't have no Constitution. We don't need no stinkin' Constitution.

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ACLU? You're up.

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There's no reason it's not both.It's fortunate that two of their most noticeable tendencies- a complete inability to plan for anything (except stacking courts with judges, which is really more a work in progress) and to stand up to quasi-dictators- have coincided here. It's also something that gives them a defence in the future because they get to avoid any of those awkward questions about why they're not doing what they promised they would.

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I lived in TN for 9 months while attending a Navy school. My wife at the time was a POC and we moved into our house the day a snowstorm was supposed to hit. Out of the blue neighbors showed up with blankets, formula (we had an infant also) and concerns for us. It was true country hospitality at its best. Nice people, terrible, horrible political leaders though.

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What do you mean? What does this have to do with guns?

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Wait... His name is Rand McNally?!?

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Chilling article, Mr. Robinson. Thank you for your continued reminders of what is at stake and what complacency will, and does, cost.

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But the cops expect to be loved and appreciated. I would too most likely if I was hated and distrusted.

Cops aren't firemen and they don't get that kind of love, they are racists with guns and all the worst instincts of mankind.Excuse me but fuck the police with a rusty baton and a haywire taser.

I yield my time.

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