Google maps + sun as compass. Do it. You know you wanna.

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Don't forget "My friend works for so-and-so and heard (insert ridiculous claim here)".

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In social psych it's called "the false consensus bias", although that doesn't explain anything. I particularly like claims of censorship and political correctness to "explain" why all these people agree with them but just won't say so.

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Subject line: <b>Fwd: Fwd: fwd: FWD: DANGERS! ITS STARTING JUST LIKE . . .</b>

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Three generations are enough, amirite?

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Which apparently is the foreplay part of his weird masturbation ritual.

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"Obama's more comfortable with European-style social democracy (aka socialism)."

The stupidity and ignorance of this twit are simply breathtaking.

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Now I've read this on the internet, as well as heard Krugman say it, on NPR no less!

That is 300% the credibility required for an email forwarded by a wingnub.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2009\/04\/15\/720355\/-Their-Reality-has-lapped-our-Satire-Teabagging-Edition" target="_blank">Their reality has lapped our satire</a>

(I am not the author of that excellent series)

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And the absence of any evidence whatsoever is proof positive that the evidence is being suppressed. Crazies think everybody else thinks like them for the obvious reason: they're crazy.

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I thought a Wonkette T - with no pants - was the approved uniform.

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You laugh, but if you put this in comic sans with some clip art angels, and send it out via AOL to the right people...

War of the Worlds meets Piltdown man sponsored by Bernie Madoff, Wingtard edition

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That's why I picked a suggested remedy that would take a lot of time and effort to complete, and likely wouldn't harm anyone other than the delusional wingnuts themselves.

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You know who else created a fake crisis in order to consolidate power over a country?

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Wow, after reading the Harry Reid rumor about Mitten's 10-year tax dodging, you gotta admit: compared to GOPers, Dem's are rank, fucking amateurs when it comes to bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories.

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I like how when none of these insane predictions EVER come true, no one ever brings them up again. Go read Rush Limbaugh's "See I Told You So" and see how the 90s was supposed to turn out under Clinton. Or anything Dick Morris ever said about the 2008 election from 2005 to 2007.

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