If you could only put a human brain into that cute guy Carrot-Top, or a soul into Campfield.

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HEY! Save that science-y stuff for FRIDAY!. Brains have nothing to do w/ this situation.

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Why do you hate job creatin' so much?

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A little Febreze of Compassion would only help, too.

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Do you suppose he'll proudly tell the story at his next church elders' meeting?

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I have to admire the dexterity required to start a sentence with this man's name and then bring it around to <i>any</i> definition of "class."

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"I'd like to help ya, son, But you're too young to vote." ♬

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I suppose this girl will be seen next time at some stoplight with a "Will learn for food" sign.

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Well, that should score some points for the GOP. Good luck with that "outreach" program, assholes.

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On the Greyhound to New York, apparently.

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...with such stringent repercussions for parents on social welfare, I assume he will hold businesses on corporate welfare to the same standard?!

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They are exactly who we thought they were.

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To be fair, we are probably all just props in his Randian Fantasy World.

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They can make their tent as big as they want, won't help unless they widen the fuckin' entrance...

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...anyone part of the Republican Party should really think twice about criticizing anyone about using "props"! Considering the fact that "Dubya!" landed on a Nimitz class aircraft carrier with a banner saying "Mission Accomplished"!!!

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Given the comments from the newspaper it's actually quite understandable as to how a shitmuffin like this is not only voted into office but embraced. I recall that one community was going to have a mosque but after an arson fire, the group gave up a Constitutional right to freddom of religion and halted construction.

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