Creationism becomes "intelligent design", anthropogenic global warming becomes "climate change", anti-vax becomes anti-too-much-vax.

I think morons retreat slowly because they're too dumb to know when to give up.

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"I've done a lot of research..." is a bit like "I'm not a racist, but..."

In both cases, it's a warning that whatever follows is going to be complete horseshit.

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One of the downsides of the internet age is that it makes vast quantities of Teh Stupid available to millions.

My browser warns me if I try to view fraudulent spam/phishing web sites - surely there's a market for a plug-in that warns you when you're about to view a page that's smeared with complete and utter bullshit. Admittedly, this would be a hard sell to the not-too-bright demographic that needs the product, but it's worth a try. Even a "Yes, I have an IQ above 90, show me the page" button would be a start.

(Yeah, I know: cue the FireFaux browser, designed for conservatards.)

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The following is a tiny Venn diagram showing the relationship between three groups; anti-vax'ers, homeschoolers and young-earth creationists:



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Couple of weeks after, actually.

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Yeah, I was about to say pretty much the same thing. The MMR vaccine came out too late for me, my siblings and my friends. (We did all get the polio vaccine though. Thanks Dr. Salk!) Getting through the "standard" set of childhood diseases was just another milestone that you passed while you were growing up. My sister and I had the Big Three: chickenpox, (red) measles and mumps and we had them together. It was never a question of whether you would get them but when. But our generation was lucky because we (well most of us anyway) survived them without incident thanks to Modern Medicine. In previous generations it was quite common to have at least one brother or sister in your family who didn't survive childhood. I wonder if anti-vaxxers would be OK with that if it was still true today in the US.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Take. The. Damn. Kids. Away. And while they're away, vaccinate them. These people should be doing time for child abuse.

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More than any other factor, being born is an leading indicator of eventual death. Anti-vaccine Wimmen, please think twice before you breed again.

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Don't mice and other rodents vector Plague?

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My younger son in the dr's office INSISTED on getting his booster at age 4 or whatever because he had just watched Apollo 13 several times (his older brother was obsessed with it) and he knew that without the shot, he wouldn't be able to go into space.

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It's a world of coughs, it's a world of wheeze It's a world of mumps and a world of sneeze There's no need to vax, I ignore all the facts It's a smallpox world for all!

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Yeah, but I'd take either over a foreign quack doctor. Give me an American quack or no quack at all.

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<i>"The weird part about anti-vaxxers is that while they dismiss settled science as to the effectiveness and relative safety of vaccines"</i> is also that they are perfectly willing to take antibiotics, undergo surgery (with anesthetics!) and multiple other fruits of scientific labor.

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Yep. As an organ transplant recepient, I am quick to come down like a ton of bricks when someone claims their decision regarding not to vaccinate won't impact my life. I have had to cut people out of my life who insist they don't need to get their kids vaccinated or don't need a flu shot because "they always pick the wrong flu anyway".

You want to gamble with your life or your kid's? Whatever. Don't be gambling with mine.

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The tree of vaccination science must be watered with dead children from time-to-time.

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<i>begs me to wait in line for hours so she can take selfies with animatrons</i>

Buried Lede: Mitt Romney will still be running for President in 20XX!!

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