I just think of the stories my father has of his youth (in the 50's) and compare it to this. They actually built model ships that exploded with cherry bombs and lighter fluid. I guess white middle class isn't the most oppressed class. That's rich white males, poor things.

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My generation was raised by wolves. When we were 8, neighbors would call the authorities if our parents <i>didn't</i> allow us to go to the park on our own.

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It's only going to get worse, as Corporate America cuts more full time jobs and moves more employees to part-time. We bitch about Wal-mart and McDonalds but Target is doing it, and the major supermarket chains, and many more. At the same time, idiots like Paul Ryan are yelping to cut services because God forbid the wealthiest among us be asked to part with any of their fucking Wall Street bonus money.

For us oldz, many of our kids will be stringing together 2 or 3 jobs just to get by, probably for their whole lives, and that's if they're lucky. It continues to astonish me that so many poor and working class people buy into the right wing's lies and vote Republican, against their own economic best interests.

And now I need to start drinking...

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Please don't give the Florida Legislature any ideas.

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<em>I guess the question we should be asking is this 28-year-old mother, should she be left unattended.</em>

Sure, that's the question. If you're a patronizing jackass with an ego the size of the Gulf of Mexico.

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I guess the question we should all be asking is, should the cops be left unattended. You know, they're surrounded by dangerous things like guns and tasers and suchlike.

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"Fire rescue personnel responded and took the swing off the frame, freeing the child"

Is this kid still wearing the swing?

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My mom would send us to get cereal or something. I would put my little brother in the cart and run down the aisles and then slide to a stop. One day, I almost hit my teacher when he turned into the aisle. "Hi, Mr. Kennedy!"

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But if the kids were practicing open carry, I'm sure that would've been okay, because freedom.

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