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this has to be some kind of secret Q code right? they're called moonchild and they're shopping for "groceries" https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I get that ... but reaching out to every single human being on the planet? That really is a brand new thing.

Not judging. They do what they do. But we all know many of the human beings on the planet suck. If you reach out to people who suck ... there is an expected result.

Clearly for them, the positive outweighs the negative. But the negative is a conscious choice attendant with choosing that lifestyle.

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My heart broke when I heard this news.

I could not believe the cruelty of the people on twitter. I reported and reported and blocked but there were so many I could spend days doing this and they would still keep coming. I hope someone other than Chrissy was the first to read them so she didn't have to.

I hadn't seen the other pictures that went with that one of her leaning over and crying. I think she is wonderful and brave for sharing this, because miscarriage has been the 'secret sorrow' for so many women, for far too long. I hope they heal with time and love.

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Without in any way attacking them, it is very odd to me that they'd be so public with photos and all. Maybe it's a generational thing, but I can't imagine living my life on Instagram at all, and certainly not at such an awful moment. I'd kill my partner for taking this picture, and then jump up and down on his grave if he published it.

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You think they'd behave better if they had to use their real names?

Think about what people already post under their real names. They just don't care.

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Exactly the same people.

And the same ones who mocked HIllary for having pneumonia and gleefully spread every meme about her being ill or dying.

I mean, I'm absolutely gleeful about Trump and Melania getting covid-19, but only because they have willfully and selfishly and arrogantly put themselves repeatedly in harm's way to own the libs, and Trump has killed tens of thousands of people by his words, actions, and lack of action from the same disease. I'm unaware of Hillary going around and coughing on people for funsies

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During these last few days my brother and I are trying to work with medical care providers to determine how another brother might feel about life support being provided. I've written about it on here, and Wonkette World came through for me in a powerful way with support and advice. There are people who might judge me for having done this in such a public venue, perhaps justifiably, and who might find this odd.

I found those pictures raw, true, and very beautiful. To be honest, I have no idea who they are, except to assume they have some kind of celebrity status. It may be that if their child had lived, they would have posted his pictures, and so to them perhaps to have done otherwise would have felt like pretending he never existed. I read this to mean, "We have another son. His name is Jack. It will always be Jack. He will always be our son. Our hearts are broken. Friends, weep with us, and love our son. His life matters." And those who have lost a child, perhaps before it was born, will feel a little less like their child was invisible and unmentionable.

Perhaps this was posted based on the idea that a joy shared is doubled, a grief shared is halved.

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All I know is, that picture deserves a Pulitzer.

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I disagree with that. I don't believe in predestination, or any other preordination.

Morality becomes an irrelevant concept if all our actions are pre-ordained.

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This venue isn't public for you, as you're probably not really named "ontheotherhand." Talking things out with internet friends, and getting support from them as you go through difficult things is great, especially if it helps (it doesn't always). But famous people performing grief in artfully composed black and white photos is a form of self-promotion, and I find it very weird. Instagram is, by definition, self-promotion, whether you're famous or not. There don't seem to be any private moments left in some people's lives, and I can't help but think that living every moment publicly makes it increasingly difficult for people to differentiate between their authentic personhood and their persona. If you're all persona, the inner person is diminished or erased. At least according to psychologists.

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I don't agree with it either, but then I also don't believe God exists. This is the view of a lot of right wing Christians, though. It is fatalism dressed up as something else.

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I think it is a generational thing. For some age groups, social media is a natural way to communicate, instead of an additional one. And before anyone yells at me for ageism or something please note that I made a statement not a judgement. Either way, I am sorry for their loss.

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Older people in my family told me things nobody else knew. Heaven only knows why. I knew about stillbirths and secret secondary families and embezzlement and beaten wives that took the ultimate revenge and of all the things that I heard, the ONLY regrets ever shown were for the children that never had a chance. Some of the things were still legally actionable, who cares, others were quaint historical tales - but in each and every case of a woman who miscarried, there was grief, up to 50 years later.

Still? I don't see the point of the photos.

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So very,very much.

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I am, too.

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