Unless the parking lot prostitute gets there first! FREE MARKET!

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I'm confused. I thought Tucker Carlson was in North Carolina, not locked in the Daily Caller offices??

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As long as the hotel had free ethernet, he wouldn't complain.

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Tucker Carlson hates it when the politicians cocks are already sucked before an interview. How the hell does that dirty whore expect him to keep up his excellent levels of "press access" if he can't do his signature Bowtie Ticklescrote move?

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Quite brilliant, that.

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I'm not sure I understand the concept of hotels being "assigned." What is this, fucking Russia?

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<i>"Because How Much Time Are You Going To Spend In Your Hotel Room, Anyway?"</i>

I should have gone into advertising. I could sell the shit out of every fleabag motel in the country with my slogans.

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I have seen some terrible Kinghts Inns in GA, they all look like you can get meth or a hooker any time. Luckily I've never had to stay in one, but those assholes should have used Tripadvisor before they got there. Does their free market magazine not pay for smartphones?

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Well ... you don't go to the convention in the hotels that you <i>want</i>, but the hotels that you <i>have</i>

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It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters...

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So you'll have a earache tonight.

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OMG. When I started working at a sleazy movie theatre in downtown Toronto back in 1980, THAT was the movie that was playing!!

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I think we should expand the sample for the "...history's most horrible band" category.

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Forget about them at the bar with, say, a tequila sunrise.

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You won't get into a bidding war with a Republican over a working <em>girl</em>.

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hotel earle

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