"In all fairness," they say. "fair and balanced," they say. They keep on using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

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Was or not was? That is the question.

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They were mainly for harvestin', what with all them big ol' teeth, which of course weren't used for huntin' since the Good Lord didn't 'low no huntin' back in them days, not tell Eve done et the apple and betrayed God's Word and shit.

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Well, it's like this. The invisible hand of the marketplace done took care of that plant. It was not a competitive plant 'coz it just blew up. Factories that blow up are not competitive plants in the long run. Now, if we had <i>coddled</i> it with regulations and inspections and such-like, it would never have exploded and we would have never known that it was not a suitable, economically viable fertilizer plant.

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It so is, right there in Article VI, after "if'n a candidate don't believe in Christ, wull who the Hell wants him?"

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Your athiets religion has weird rules. Gonna have to git the Pastor to Godsplain 'em come Sunday.

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You fucking WISH it was <i>only</i> "both sides of this issue."

Your "two sides" is about as bogus usurpation of the definition of "faith" as it's undeserved notion that it has some kind of shared equality as "science."

Man, if I had my wishes, <i>every</i> fucking mythological belief <i>ever</i> held by the sum total of <i>all Mankind</i> would be taught alongside your Christian one.

We're talking those myths where the universe floats on the back of a turtle, or how we're formed from mudballs as a kind of a joke on the other Gods, or even the pagan rituals of Saturnalia that have lately (historically speaking) become Christ-infused, right around this time of year. Right there, in equality with your Holiest of Holies, giving them all the equality you seem to think is important for our children is to be learning.

If only...

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Texas is 43rd in the USA state high school graduation. I’m sure adding creationism to the student’s work load will help.

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That's his Y(HWH) chromosome, pls.

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Shouldn't that be Jebus walking behind the plow?

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I believe that pixels are the natural rulers of the world.

I understand that some people disagree with me, and believe in biology...

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and <a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/T-Rex-Troubles-Dinosaur-Beast-Erotica-ebook\/dp\/B00EYQFY9I" target="_blank">sexing</a> the ladies....

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You expect Jebus to leave plowmarks, when he don't even leave footprints in the sand?

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