OH HAI republicans:

sarah palin? rick santorum? christine o'donnell? michele bachman? rick perry? herman cain? donald trump? newt? ron paul?

by all means, keep it up.

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I wonder what kind of <strike>standing ovation</strike> stomping Cruz would receive if he went back to Alberta.

There, fixed.

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To be fair, repealing (or defunding, or delaying) ObamaCare WOULD kill a lot of people...

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Why, thank you..."dangerous extremist" was *exactly* the term I was trying to think of to describe Cruz.

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Unfortunately, the one before Perry did get somewhere.

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Cruz can't be an extremist, he's not a liberal / commie/ socialist.

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Teaocrats don't seem to get that this guy would sell his grandmother down the river for political gain.

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<i>The commenter posted this two hours ago but is still scrubbing </i>

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Pretty sure the Democrats will give him a <i>nine</i> minute standing ovation and Lifetime Achievement Award after the Nov 2014 election.

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Oh yeah, plenty of time. Put the hobo beans in a pot. Add vodka. Enjoy!

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<i>Just because most folks in D.C. see you as slightly more nauseating than the mental image of Chris Christie going reverse cowgirl on Darrell Issa doesn’t mean this isn’t part of America.</i>

I forgot what you were talking about because I had to run out and scrub my brain.

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Hard to make a list with negative numbers.

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You SAW it? Dear God...

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Not that I don't completely trust the truthiness of Daily Caller reporting or anything, but is this eight-minute standing ovation similar to the "thousands of veterans" that showed up last weekend for the Million Veteran March?

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Oh, <i>plllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssse</i> Ted. <i>Plllleeeeeaaaaasssssssssse</i> run for preznit.

It's a clear sign of how popular you are by how many old white bigots vote for you in straw polls and early primaries. You’re going to go far without support from the institutional GOP, which you've pretty much alienated. Just ask presidents Perry, Bachmann, and Palin how well that worked for them why don’t you?

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You might be surprised. Alberta is full of right-wing fuck-weasels, including our Glorious Leader Stephen Harper.

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