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as long as it is lined wif tin foil.

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I'm just going to leave this here, then:http://www.smbc-comics.com/...

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Thank God someone is taking the bold stand of being a dick to kids.

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MS: Come on. Texas is strictly amateur hour at this stuff.

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Every family whose children have the crap beaten out of them should sue this judge for damages.

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FWIW, despite his delusions of grandeur and Texas-sized ego, this jackhole judge doesn't have authority to issue a nationwide anything, unless maybe he's peddling his law books (like new, never used!) on Amazon. Other judges in other districts - and higher-level courts of appeal - have ruled otherwise, and they're not about to say, "Oh, well then, if Texas says it, it must be right!" He's out to create a split at the Federal Court level, so the Supreme Court has to take it up. Which they're already likely to do with the Fourth Circuit (Virginia) case, probably with a Hillary-appointed black lesbian commie socialist America-hating atheist on board. That, of course, will go about as well for the Xtard bigots as the rest of their homophobic agenda.

He does get to fuck over some schoolkids in Texas, which I guess he's proud of.

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Won't someone think of . . . oh, wait.

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Yeah, I'll support it. Tired of my blue state dollars going to support your fuckwaddery and having your backwoods hicks dragging the rest of us down. Let us just run the country decently and you can have all your bigoted, racist, misogynist, xenophobic laws... for the few months before Mexico overruns you, of course, because good luck stopping that from happening with no army, navy, air force, coast guard, highway patrol, Border Patrol, banks, currency, forts, or roadway and ports maintenance. We'll miss you!

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You'd think that this would have gotten around, but the Fundie Mentals and RWNJs live in their own universe, where wingnut media filter out inconvenient truths like Balian Buschbaum: http://assets.diarioregistr... "I look forward to meeting your daughter in the ladies room.I'll tell her you sent me."

And my personal favorite, Buck Angel:http://i.imgur.com/fQd7kDI.jpg "Can't wait to meet your wife!"

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I can't quite grasp it, but ultimately it has to do with hating women. They hate women, and they hate trans women. Because it's only about the women's bathrooms, have you noticed? And if you, as a woman, post something in support of allowing transgender men and women to use the appropriate bathroom, you will be met with a barrage of crude, hateful misogyny.

I posted on Target's page, literally just to say I supported their policy, when they first said it, and within moments was targeted by some furious dickhead, who posted comment after comment, "Hey, how would you like it if I came into your bathroom? How would you like it if I masturbated in the stall right next to you? Would you like that? Me masturbating RIGHT NEXT TO YOU?" So it's about hating women, all right. And I suppose hating someone who's born in a man's body, who is really a woman.

They're just the worst, worst people. The only danger that ever occurs is when a trans-woman is forced to use the men's room, as you say, where they are routinely beaten, attacked, and even killed.

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I like to post the item below. Shuts them up immediately.

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That is so good.

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Tell the fuckstick if he likes the anti-vaxxer so much, he better stop using his Wi-Fi--she thinks it's dangerous. And also she wants to unlaterally dismantle our entire military because that'll bring about peace. As it always does.

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Nobody wants the fuckers. I think we're stuck with them.

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You mean because he's Republican?

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