It gives the impression that he is in a very fringe-y cult with snake-handing and long dresses.

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Maybe they’re making amends? Though, exploiting one’s own disgrace to make a point would be an exceptional way to make amends…

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Yeah, but didn't the doc bounty-hunt himself?

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I missed that episode? What else have I missed...👀

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So the dog finally caught the car, doesn't care much for the taste of the fender, and doesn't know what to do now because it sure as hell won't let go.

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All the abortion clinics should sue each other, then

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Women are merely feeding stations

Oh come now, not just that, they consider women to be fucktoys and household slaves as well as brood mares!

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Not so much.

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The preferred term is "love child".

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Subject / verb agreement?

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Interesting! But with a singular verb, outside of reference to YHVH? It's the lack of agreement that's weird.

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if the texass lege gets it's wish and Roe and Casey are balls-and-strikes to death and nationwide they start putting doctors in jail, who will take care of all the republicans with COVID?

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now repeat that, LOUDLY, to every conservative in the country . . . and any liberals who haven't got the message yet.

[ . . . and don't forget those assholes sitting in the middle of the road waiting for the bus ]

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by stupidity.

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Sort of. He'd be doing the "hunting" if he sued himself. Instead, he invited others to do it. He basically said, "I violated this idiot law; come get me, stump jumpers." Disbarred Caveman Lawyers 1 and 2 obliged.

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What exactly is it that these guys (and they are undoubtedly 99% men) expect to get out of this kind of legislation? What reward? What satisfaction?? What's the big payday??? Or is it just motivated by wholly terrible people just trying to bring the pain? (That bumper is brutal on the teeth though, fer shur.)

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