Any woman who supports this sht is out of her mind. it's like "Blacks for the KKK"

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Many of us certainly hope that, in the near future, we have a federal law mandating abortion be accessible to all and once again legal throughout the United States.

And Alito's Death Band will immediately rule that the Constitution absolutely and in so many words of one syllable specifically outlaws abortion and has done so since before abortion existed.

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it encourages disingenuous idiots to move to texas thus keeping it a red state.

a state with no OBGYN care, no medicare or medicaid, and, probably soon, no public education . . . women will not be allowed to exit the state for any reason.

the rest of us will help them achieve their dream (except we'll help the women escape) by cutting off all federal funds and moving all military and government facilities out of state . . . hey Houston, say goodbye to NASA!

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Oh yes...

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“sovereign interest in the power to create and enforce a legal code.”

The States are now sovereign powers? I thought that question was solved by the Civil War, or did I miss something?

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Thing is: Who is making the decisions here: The governor? The state legislature? The courts? The DA? A special tribunal set up specifically to monitor and decide who gets to live and who gets to die, all based on how long a women has to carry a non human deformed, or unviable outside the woman, or even a dead creature (to be still-born) until some non-medical person decides based on their religious affiliation whether a living breathing functioning human woman gets to live, and when she should just die for someone else's determination that life begins before clusters of cells can breathe the air of this world? Probably the Texas Pregnancy Police, and an agency like the DMV where you have to register your pregnancy and get a Social Security number for the cells in your body. Yep. That could be next.

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At this point, I would not be surprised if Pregnancy Police becomes a reality.

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Pretty much only for women and POC, though.

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And "Labor" also too.

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That woman in Ireland's story (the one who died because no one would take the fetus) should be publicized over and over and over.

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Medicare is 65 or disabled, it's Social Security that had the age raised.

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That's only because too many here keep suggesting that we kick red states out of the union. I don't care about Alaska that much but there's only so many times I can read "give it back to Russia" before I start seeing red.

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As long as the man in charge of the birthing vessel says it's okay to terminate the pregnancy, it's not an abortion.You know that's what's coming.

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The psycho-right's behavior during the COVID crisis, namely refusing to take any precautions for purely tribalist reasons, has proven that they literally do not care even about their own lives. Ideology uber alles. So, no, having their Medicare funding cut off will not change their minds. They would rather perish broke and in agony than give the other tribe a win. They truly would.

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Texas, even the Catholic Church permits the termination of a pregnancy of the mother's life is in danger. https://www.ewtn.com/cathol... (It's not considered an [induced] abortion so far as committing a sin is concerned, which is probably why some persons are saying that surgical removal in ectopic pregnancy or terminating the pregnancy of that 10-year-old girl isn't/wasn't an [induced] abortion.)

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Yes indeed. It was the direct impetus for abortion becoming legal in Ireland.An absolute and completely avoidable tragedy. There are going to be a lot of those in red states now.

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