I'm absolutely positive they don't rescue bottle baby kittens. It is a huge investment of time (they have to be fed and washed every 2 hours around the clock) and they don't have empathy for any other living thing.

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In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, I amused myself posting a few comments on a "false flag" y@utube video. At first, one of them tried to convince me by quoting an article from Neon Nettle, familiar to me for promoting pizzagate, which accused al Jazeera of reporting the shooting before it happened. I pointed out that an authentic AJ article had an appropriate date, mentioned no earlier report and dismissed them as nuts without taking any notice of their accusation. I was also able to list a good deal of hardware the nuts would need to have a chance against a military force that they already can't get by remotely legal means. That annoyed them enough to call me a gov't plant and ignore me.

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The NRA is ON. IT.

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Meth. It's a hell of a drug.

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I believe that a good deal of this conspiracist nonsense (embodied egregiously by Pizzagate) is either created or promoted by a core group of "trolls" with no serious or sincere ideological affiliations of their own. I further suspect that the same people have tried to do similar damage on the left, but their tricks only seem to work on the type of humorless reactionaries who would accept pseudo-occult (and in all likelihood not very good) performance art as a step on the path to organized human sacrifice.

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George Soros already paid off my mortgage, just for writing this snarky comment.

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At least they didn't refuse to bake him a cake.

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The idea of a spear-and-knife season, maybe a week or two before bow season, is kind of intriguing.

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I'm by no means a religious man, but tha pastor has taken the right course. Mr. Ussery needs help. I suspect he has already been punished.

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The opposite of false flag is...flag?I don't get it. It has to be a real flag op to be OK?

I had my children threatened once many years ago and that's already too much. These loons don't realize just how far gone they are. Too stupid to know that they're stupid IOW.

Dwelling on crazies is completely a waste of time. Yes, they have to be dealt with as needed but that's it. All efforts need to go towards the source, the gun and the pushers.

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More right wing nut jobbery?


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I suspect their guns are worth more than anything else they own.

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I like the use of the word "pushers." That's essentially what the NRA is.

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You might enjoy this article:https://www.nytimes.com/201...

Turnout and voting sensibly is the key. Hint: a vote for Jill Stein (or whoever the next spoiler is) just helps the Repubs. Is that what you really want to do?

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These people are more soiled flag than false. They have wiped their sleazy butts on the flag, metaphorically.

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I think we just saw.

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